Agile Lean Leadership – the key to sustained organizational agility

Agile Connect Scrum Alliance


Session Type:

  • Talk (45 minutes).

Session Track:

  • Scaling Agile.

Session Language:

  • English.

Session Level:

  • Conscious (Ha) Practitioners.

Session Summary:

Build and lead a resilient, responsive organization using the core principles from Scrum, Agile and Lean using easy to understand patterns.

Session Abstract:

The presentation provides a comprehensive understanding of Agile Lean Leadership (ALL), a set of easy to understand patterns to use when launching an agile transformation.

  • The Challenge and the Value (5 min).
  • The History of ALL (5 min).
  • How to build such an organization (15 min).
  • Practical tools for the transformation (10 min).
  • A case study – Unomedical (5 min).
  • A Road Map – The road less travelled (5 min).

We have worked with transforming client organizations for 10+ years. By adhering strictly to the fundamental values and principles, we can present a straightforward pattern to use in organizational design and implementation.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will after the presentation be able to:

  • Tell the main reasons why an agile transformation is necessary, the possible values it brings, and what it consists of.
  • Demonstrate a historical perspective and describe the foundation.
  • Describe the concept of teams and circles and to start modelling and transforming their organizations using them.
  • Describe the need for Agile Lean Organization and list steps for how to begin implementing it.
  • Use the practical patterns and templates provided, they can be used to start the process at home the following day.